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Windows 7

One of the test engineers working on Windows 7, Hilton Locke, dropped a post today pimping Dell's Latitude XT that also contained this little nugget:

'I will say that if you are impressed by the "touch features" in the iPhone, you'll be blown away by what's coming in Windows 7. Now if only we could convince more OEMs that Windows Touch Technology is going to drive their sales.'


Multi-touch is obviously a given—it's actually possible in Vista, anyway. We're probably talking about way more in-depth input options and other more complicated interactions using multi-touch (versus the iPhone). However, more complex doesn't necessarily translate to more intuitive or better, and touch interfaces might be a case where less is more. How much of a "step up" from the iPhone or say, Microsoft's Surface venture is really a step forward before it turns into a stumbling block? [wiki]

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