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Its a keyboard

Reminiscent of your notebook, these keyboards, presumable designed for desktop use, are wireless keyboards with touch-pads built in. I don’t know how many of you are a fan of your laptop’s touch-pad navigation methods, but I am assuming the percentage is low.


However, if you have a home theater PC or if you are giving a presentation from a desktop computer, this is probably a more preferable solution than having the carry around a mouse and a keyboard. Also, you can use this keyboard/mouse combo without having to have a flat surface as you can hold it in one arm and use the other hand to operate it if necessary.

Also, if you are using an HTPC, this would look a lot better on your lap than a keyboard carefully (or not) balanced on one leg and the mouse balanced on the other. You can also get the same keyboard in a wired version for whatever reason you’d want to do that, but no price or availability on either keyboard, however there are some sort of oriental characters on the keyboard, so I wouldn’t expect it to be available stateside just yet.

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